Auto body repair shop

inside an auto repair garage

The auto body repair shop contacted us because they were in dire need of insulation repair. Bobby was tired of the old insulation constantly falling, making a mess, setting off the motion alarm system at night and generally looking rough and unprofessional. Previous insulation contractors had told him the only option was either a complete removal of the insulation. Said “it can’t be repaired”.

Removal of the insulation would have made a whole new set of problems. Condensation from a lack of insulation on the underside of the metal roof and soaring summertime temperatures would have been the result. Additionally, this is an active, busy, local repair shop. Work simply could not be done during business hours.

Once we came to look at the work I knew that this could be done. It needed to be done. Over two days we were able to completely restore this business’s insulation back to like new. The final product looks amazing and solved all the problems without the auto body crew getting behind on their work. We are proud of how this job turned out and have done many more just like it.

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