About Us

In 2006 I started in the insulation industry by chance while searching for part time work to pay for college. Insulation work by nature is dirty and difficult and not at all prestigious, but I quickly found reasons to take pride in my work. As time passed, I found more and more that I enjoyed going to different places every day, meeting people who were building and improving their homes and learning about the construction industry and building science as a whole. At the same time my interest in college decreased I found that I seriously enjoyed learning all the different aspects of the insulation industry.
I realized that I love my job. I enjoy meeting new people every day. I enjoy that my work impacts people’s homes and businesses by saving them money, providing comfort and improving their everyday lives. Not to sound corny but I found satisfaction and purpose in my work. That’s when I decided that I wanted to build a company based on exactly that.
2014 was the year Coldani Insulation was born. A few years later we expanded to Garage Doors based on the same founding principals of providing a quality service with pride and enjoyment that is important to everyday life. At the current time I am writing this I am very proud of the family orientated business that we have created and the team that surrounds me. We enjoy and support each other every day. The atmosphere at the shop each morning is full of positive energy. I always make sure that we don’t forget that our job really matters, our services directly and positively impact people’s lives and that there is no better feeling than knowing that you are improving peoples lives while making a living for you and your own family at the same time.
Person leaning on 2x4 while posing for a picture

Our Mission

To provide a superior service and value to our surrounding communities. Create and maintain a company whose employees find pride and purpose to their daily work. To always remember that each person we work for needs the very best energy savings, comfort, functionality and safety that we can provide and that there is honor and joy to be had in providing excellent service for everyone we meet.